Alberto Faina
My name is Alberto Galeazzo known as the Faina and I am passionate about fishing, in particular fly fishing.Alessandro Negri
Born in Milan in 1988, fly fishing has been part of me from an early age, when my dad put my first fly rod in my hand at the age of 3.Alex Nava
Born in 1984, born and raised in Parma.
Fishing has been a constant element of my life, at the age of 6 my grandfather and uncle took me with them to fish in the pass on the banks of the Taro and Ceno rivers.
andrea malzanini
I was born in Brescia in 1979 and I live in Brescia at the gates of Val Trompia, a rather rich area of lakes and rivers.Antonio Leotta
My name is Antonio Leotta and I live in Rome. I approached fly fishing in the summer of 2011 by taking my first steps on the Fibreno, a resurgence of the Frusinate.Cesare Vignoli
Born in Bologna on September 30th 1969 and after a few years become as a fisherman thanks to my father and my uncles and cousins who patiently taught me the art of Bolognese fishing that I practiced until the early 2000s.
Cristiano Cesare
Cristiano Cesare was born in 1988, he has been passionate about fishing since he was a child and in 2003 he approached the fantastic world of fly fishing.Fulvio Ferretti
I started fishing with my father when I was little, practicing various types of fishing, up to fly fishing.Fulvio Oliva
My name is Fulvio Oliva and I live in Alta Valle Argentina, in the province of Imperia.Guido Scala
I have been fly fishing for 30 years and I love to share my past and recent experiences.Marco Naldi
My name is Marco Naldi, I was born and live in the province of Bologna. Fishing has always been part of my life since childhood but I have been practicing fly fishing exclusively for twelve years now.
Marino di Luca
I was born in Alanno (Pescara) in 1955, a few years lived with my father, died very young, were enough to pass on the passion for the river.Massimo Ginanneschi
Of Tuscan origins, born in 1964, he lives and works in the province of Turin;he began fishing at a very young age, in 1970, after a few years he arrived in the world of competitive sport to which he devoted himself for many years, practicing brook trout and lake trout.
Matteo Muzzi
It is to my father that I owe the passion for fishing, handed down from a very young age. I was having fun with him with our little boat on the river Marta to fish with Bolognese everything that took to our hook.Maurizio Santucci
I was born in Barga (LU) in 1978 and I currently live in the province of Lucca where I am an illustrator.I was born in Barga (LU) in 1978 and I currently live in the province of Lucca where I am an illustrator.Osvaldo Gilli
Born in Lodi in 1948, he currently lives nearby.
He began fishing when he was very young being the son of a professional fisherman who fished with nets.
Paolo Ercoli
I started fishing at a very young age with the Bolognese, where I learned the basics, respect for river inhabitants and for nature. I have always been a lover of the mountains and those clear and pure waterways, where there was the undisputed Queen: the Trout.Pierangelo Grillo
Born 65 years ago in Biella, retired, now is preparing to enter the 40 year of fly fishing.It is part of the fly fishing club "Thymallus Aurora" in Biella and the Club Pescatori Sportivi in Novara.
Sandro Mandrini
I was born 51 years ago in Cernusco Sul Naviglio (MI), but today I live with my family in Milan. I work as a pedagogist and professional educator with families and children in difficulty.Tiziano Racasi
Born in Bussolengo (Verona), in 1956 I started fishing in the traditional way around the age of 12 because my father, for fear that I would approach hunting, gave me my first fishing rod saying "So you don't think about hunting."valentino damiani
Born in San Benedetto del Tronto (Ascoli Piceno) on 06 January 1987.The passion for fishing was passed on to me by my father; at the age of 8 I took my first fly rod in the hand of a boy I met in a trout lake near me.